Printable Social Media Planning Sheets

Shop Jenna Kutcher


  • Includes 7 comprehensively designed social media planning sheets (with allll of Jenna's wisdom) to plan out your Instagram posts, Facebook posts, Pinterest strategies, mass emails, blog posts, AND trackers to set goals and see how you're doing!
  • Includes CanvaPhotoshop (.PSD), and high-res printable .PDF formats for either customizing to make 'em just how you want OR hassle free print-and-go
  • Allows you to plan out every detail of your social media strategies just the way Jenna does hers!
  • Included instruction sheet gives you access to the members-only JK Design Tutorial Library so that you can customize this template like a BOSS in minutes!

Give me the deets

Everyone tells you that planning your content out in advance will save you hours of frustration and wasted energy staring at that blinking cursor wondering “Why can’t think of something to say? Am I that boring??” Turns out - everyone was right! You’ve been riding the last-minute idea train for long enough. Let’s get you AHEAD of the game already!

So, what would it look like if you had gorgeous pages you could use to plan out your content for alllll of your platforms? How would your week change if you knew what post was going up on what day and what you were going to say in it? What would it look like to be able to see your overall strategy on a single piece of paper in front of you? From my experience, it feels like this: MAGIC. Freedom! Sweet relief! Get your act together with these strategically designed social media planning sheets and rock social media while having a pretty plan to guide ya!